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Ready to get your website on Google?

Wix SEO Essentials Package

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Get your website's SEO up to scratch and improve your Google listing.

This package includes:

Helping you decide your keywords

I will talk to you about choosing your keywords, which means the search terms you want to rank for on Google.

This includes every main page on your website, up to 10 pages (it excludes blog posts and shop products).

Completing/improving your meta titles & descriptions

This is the first important building block regarding SEO. 

Fixing your URLs

When you design a site yourself the page URLs are usually set up incorrectly. I will fix these to be SEO and website friendly.

Adding image alt-tags

This tells Google to read your images as well as making them viewable to people with additional needs such as screenreaders (accessibility). 

Getting your Wix SEO wizard checklist to 100%

Getting your Wix SEO wizard checklist to 100% (or as near as I can, as some tasks have to be done by you).

Advice and instructions on improving your SEO going forwards

I will sign off with an email full of helpful tips and links about growing your results on Google going forwards.

Expert thoughts and general advice on your website design and set up

I will give you my thoughts about your website and ideas for improvement, with quotes for the work if applicable. This is based on my 10+ years as a Wix web designer and Legendary Partner.

Flat fee


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Who is this package for?

People who haven't done any SEO.

People who have partly done their SEO.

People who have done their SEO but want it checked over.

All small businesses or hobbyists

Whoever you are, we will get your initial SEO up to scratch.

People who don't understand SEO.

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Is this package for me?


Yes, if you have a Wix website and want to start making progress in Google. 


What exactly will this package do for my Google ranking? What results can I expect and how soon?


This package covers the initial "building blocks" of your SEO. It completes the tasks that are essential to get your website set up and submitted to Google. It is not everything you need but is an important first step. SEO is an ongoing task and is never "complete." You will need to be working hard on your SEO the whole time your website is live to make progress. I will advise you on your best next steps and send you information and tips as part of this package. This package is not a magic wand for your Google ranking but you do need to complete these steps before you can move forward.​


Is it really a one-off fee? Are there any further costs?


Yes, the £50 fee covers all the work stated above, up to a website size of 10 pages (excluding shop product pages). There are no further costs associated with this package although I may recommend you get further work done. I also have ongoing plans I might recommend. However none of this is needed for the Essentials package to be completed.


How long does this take?


I usually do the work within in 1-3 working days of receiving payment.


Do I need to do anything?


To get your Wix SEO Wizard to 100% there are 2 tasks you need to do yourself. The first is to submit your website to Google once I have got it ready to do so. This is because it needs to be connected to your Search Console account, not mine. The second is to create a Google Business profile and connect it to your Wix account. This can all be done after I have finished my work.

Let's go!


Fill in your details below


Press Submit to send your request


I will get in touch with next steps

Thankyou! We will be in touch.

Terms & Conditions

By going ahead with the work you accept the following:


- Once we receive your enquiry we will look at your website and check we're happy to go ahead. We will send an invoice for £50. By paying the invoice and adding us as a contributor to your website, you accept the work is legally bound to go ahead.


- You agree not to log into the Wix editor between the payment of your invoice and the project being complete. If you're in the editor and we attempt to log in, you agree we are not liable for any loss of work that occurs on your side. Your work may be delayed if we cannot access your editor and we have to re-schedule.


- You accept that this package covers the "building blocks" of your SEO and will not instantly improve your Google ranking on its own. It is an important first step but not an ongoing service. However, all ongoing SEO and marketing will certainly rely on this first step being completed properly. Improving your ranking depends on a huge number of additional and external factors such as your social media posts, reviews, trust score, and more. Therefore we are not responsible for your ranking either now or in the future. No refunds are available once our work is complete as we know how important this work is.


- You accept that if your website is more than 10 pages we will only complete the plan on your 10 most important pages, or quote extra to cover the whole website.


- You accept we will not complete the SEO on any blog posts or shop products. It applies to main website pages only.


- You accept that we are only doing specific SEO work and will not repair or advise on any other issues we see with your website, unless quoted extra to do so.


- Image alt-tags: We will tag every website image with your business name or main keyword. We will tag all the images we can find however don't accept responsibility if the design of the website makes this difficult, eg images are hidden, underneath elements or are stored in the wrong type of element.


- We can only work on the normal Wix Editor. You accept that if you have used the Wix AI editor, Editor X or Studio editor then we may not be able to carry out either some or any of the work. If this is the case, feel free to check with us before paying. If you have already paid, we will carry out the complete project if we can. If we can't, we will discuss a way forward or refund you. Either way you are safe and will not lose your money.


- If you have already done work on your SEO we will improve what is there and complete all the remaining tasks we have promised. We don't give full or partial refunds where the work is already partially completed or where we don't feel improvement is necessary. We will still bring value for money in other areas.

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We are Online Designs, a 5 star web design company based in Cambridge, UK. We have been around since 2012. Visit our main website.

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